Filter Holders - Stainl. Steel

Filter Holders - Stainl. Steel

Vacuum filtration is primarily used in microbiological and analytical procedures that involve collecting a particulate (bacteria, precipitate etc.) from a liquid suspension.
Liquid poured into a funnel passes through a filter, which retains the particulate, and filtrate can be collected into a filter flask, directly or via a vacuum manifold.
Stainless Steel Filter Holders may be flame sterilized to sanitize the holder between samples. Set pins and a locking nut on the funnel to help prevent twisting and tearing of the membrane. Autoclavable with membrane in place.
Stainless Steel Support (Type 316, 100 mesh)
Maximize flow rate with proteinaceous or viscous solutions. Will not shed particles into the filtrate.

See more filter holders.

Quantity / pk
Filter Holder Stainless Steel KSF-47 stainless steel support 500...
Type: For 47 mm filters
Vol.: 500 ml
Support: SS screen
Quantity / pk: 1
Filter Holder Stainless Steel KSF-47 stainless steel support 500...
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