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Mikrolab Aarhus A/S and Frisenette ApS have officially merged

We are proud to announce that Mikrolab Aarhus A/S and Frisenette ApS have officially merged into one company. By combining our extensive product ranges, resources, and years of expertise, we can now...

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New supplier

It is with great pleasure that we can present another exciting supplier in our portfolio.
Frisenette is now OHAUS supplier of their incredibly assortment.

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Frisenette now offers a total solution for your laboratory.
Our new partnership with Carl Roth ensures that you can have chemicals shipped directly to your laboratory.

Figur 01 1(1)


Har du brug for et stopur, en vortex mixer eller en centrifuge, så er dette nu også en del af vores faste sortiment.

Har du brug for en større fryser, varmeskabe osv., kan vi også hjælpe dig.