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OHAUS Shakers

OHAUS offers 6 different types of shaking tables, which cover a wide range from plate shakers, shaking tables for low and high loads.

With a wide selection of shaking tables, you can easily find the one that suits your specific needs.

  • Shaking tables for low-high loads
  • Reciprocating shaking tables
  • High Speed Shaking for up to 48 Microplates
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Quantity / pk
Shaker Extreme SHEX1619DG EU
Type: Motion Orbital
Quantity / pk: 1
Shaker Extreme SHEX1619DG EU
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Incubating Shaker Lid, ISLDMPHDGL EU
Type: Motion Orbital
Quantity / pk: 1
Incubating Shaker Lid, ISLDMPHDGL EU
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Incubating Shaker Light ISLDMPHDG EU
Type: Motion Orbital
Quantity / pk: 1
Incubating Shaker Light ISLDMPHDG EU
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Shaker Rocking 1 Tier SHRK07AL1 EU
Type: Motion Rocking
Quantity / pk: 1
Shaker Rocking 1 Tier SHRK07AL1 EU
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Shaker Waving SHWV02AL EU
Type: Motion Waving
Quantity / pk: 1
Shaker Waving SHWV02AL EU
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Incubating Shaker Waving ISWV02HDG EU
Type: Motion Waving
Quantity / pk: 1
Incubating Shaker Waving ISWV02HDG EU
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Thermal Shaker Heat/Cool ISTHBLCTS EU
Type: Motion Orbital
Quantity / pk: 1
Thermal Shaker Heat/Cool ISTHBLCTS EU
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Thermal Shaker Heat ISTHBLHTS EU
Type: Motion Orbital
Quantity / pk: 1
Thermal Shaker Heat ISTHBLHTS EU
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Shaker KS series Models KS standard, circular, KS 15 A
Type: Shaker KS series circular KS 15 A
Quantity / pk: 1
Shaker KS series Models KS standard, circular, KS 15 A
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