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Syringe Filters

Syringe Filters

Disposable syringe filter devices designed to provide fast and efficient filtration of aqueous and organic solutions. Syringe filters are ideal for numerous applications in pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, food/beverage, and agricultural testing laboratories.
Syringe use can result in high pressure. The smaller the syringe, the higher the pressure that can be generated. As a general guide, the following pressures can be obtained by hand with the syringes indicated:
20 ml-2 bar, 10 ml-3.4 bar, 5 ml-5.2 bar, 3 ml-6.9 bar, 1 ml-10.3 bar.

The selection of syringe filter is dependent on samplevolume, type of liquid and size of particles to be filtrated.
Q-Max® RR filters are available in 13, 25 and 30 mm. 13 mm filter types are non-sterile. 25 mm filters are available as sterile types and types with glassfiber prefilters. 30 mm types are available only with cellulose acetate (CA) membranes, whereof one type also has a glassfiber prefilter.

Q-Max® 4 filters are eligible with smaller sample volumes, as minimum sample volume is retained inside the unit housing. Six membrane types and two pore sizes. Can be autoclaved.

DISMIC filters are available in 3, 13 and 25 mm.
All types are available as non-sterile or sterile, with or without cellulose acetate membranes.
Some types are available with hydrophilic or hydrophobic PTFE membranes.

Chromafil Xtra three sizes of HLPC certified syringe filters. Available with different types of membranes.

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